News and updates

>> Friday, April 20, 2007

Austin with his friend, Lilo.A lot has happened in the last month, and I just haven't managed to find the time to write about it until now.

Austin has really figured out this walking thing now and is able to walk (when he wants to) from one end of the house to the other. He's even mastered turning corners and stopping to catch his balance. He does still crawl from time to time though. But those times are getting less and less frequent. Soon he'll be running around the house I'm sure!

He's also starting to say a few distinguishable words -- the main one being cat. We have two cats and now, almost everytime he sees one of them he points and says cat -- well maybe it sounds more like 'at' but he's very clear and direct about it. It's just too bad, that after almost 14 months, our cats are still scared of him and run from the room whenever Austin's around. And Austin of course, tries to chase them -- no wonder their scared! I think the cats will start hiding in fear all day long when Austin starts running!

The other words that he tends to use is "hi" when Ryan or I come home, and 'dada'. (of course!)

This photo was taken in early March, but I really like it so I thought I'd share anyway. Thankfully Spring is finally here, so we'll be able to go to the park on the weekends -- something that Austin loves!


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