Austin Evans: Soccer monster

>> Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We signed Austin up for a tot's soccer program this summer and this past Monday was the first session. It's a fun little program that runs all summer long and is designed solely for two and three year olds. And, a parent must participate during each session, so Austin won't be the only one learning to play this summer.

Uniforms and soccer balls were handed out to all the kids on Monday and a little time was left at the end to kick the ball around and learn some moves.

Austin's favourite move? Throwing himself in the net with the ball. I guess he still has a few things to learn about soccer.


Getting some sleep and other news

>> Monday, June 09, 2008

If my kids could sleep like this every night, I would no longer suffer from sleep deprivation. On Friday night, Alex gave me a six-hour stretch before waking to be fed and then she went back to sleep for almost another five hours, waking up just before 8 a.m.! And even Austin decided to sleep in on Saturday morning, so everyone was pretty well-rested.

Saturday and Sunday nights were also good nights, with Alex sleeping a six-hour stretch one night and a five-hour stretch the other. So hopefully this means we're on our way to better nights.

Alex has her two-month appointment this week so I'll know then how big she's getting, but based solely on the fact that some of her 0-3 clothes are starting to get a little small, I'd say she's gained another few pounds and probably another inch. She's much more alert now, smiling freely at me, Ryan or Austin whenever she's in the mood and playing with some of her dangling toys. Here's a short video of her playing with the toys on her chair.

In other news, we finally finished our backyard -- or as much as will likely be finished this year. Ryan laid sod on Victoria Day weekend and I've remembered to water it almost every day so it's growing really well. It's so nice to have a place to go and play with Austin -- now all we need is a sandbox!

The end of this month will be when Austin switches to part-time at the sitter's. He'll be going on Wednesdays and Thursdays, giving him a chance to play with his friends twice a week and me a chance to get things done around the house (or out of the house) with only one kid in tow.

Finally, here's a video of Austin hamming it up on his circa-1985 Casio. He loves pressing the demo button and 'playing along'.

And a few more pics:


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