Fall update

>> Friday, November 18, 2011

I once again have fallen a little behind on updates....actually a lot behind. So here, in a nutshell, is what's going on:

It's been a little over two months since school started and Austin is doing really well in French Immersion. (He just got his first report card this week and it was all positive. And when we went for our parent-teacher interview, his teacher told us that he is basically an A-B student). Every day, he comes home from school and announces the new words he's learned in French -- some of which are new to daddy as well, who doesn't speak much French. He can already count to 30, knows all his colours, can ask simple requests (like 'can I go to the bathroom, please?) and understands simple instructions in French. We really are quite amazed at how quickly he's learning the language.

On the non-school front, he started skating lessons in October and his having a lot of fun just learning how to stand up, glide and avoid falling on his ass. And he's also taking gymnastics once a week which he's having a blast doing.

Alex is also taking gymnastics (at the same place, at the same time as Austin) and is having a lot of fun. And she was taking swimming lessons but we stopped going after the fifth week. Even though she did really well in summer lessons, and seemed to enjoy it, this time around she was not having fun. In fact, she was spending most of each lesson crying. So we've stopped going and will try again in a few months.

In October, Alex started preschool four mornings a week. It's the same preschool as last winter and spring but she's just going more often now. She loves the program and is doing really well. Where last year, the teachers said she was quiet and kept mostly to herself -- this year, she's much more comfortable, is making friends and participates more often in sing-a-long time, etc.

So that means that four mornings a week, I drop both kids off at school and then have two hours to myself -- which to date I've used most of to work. I've been keeping really busy with work lately -- but that's a good thing!

I guess that's about all for now. I'll end with a slide show of pictures from the last few months.


Happy Halloween!

>> Tuesday, November 01, 2011

 Happy Halloween from Optimus Prime...

 ...and Cinderella!
After a day of much anticipation (and dress-up parties at school), the kids had a great time trick or treating.


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