The big news

>> Friday, October 26, 2007

The big news in the Evans household is that Austin is going to be a big brother. Mommy is 15 weeks along and his new baby brother or sister is expected on April 15. Let's just hope he or she doesn't get too comfy in there and decide to hang out for 12 days longer like Austin did!

We're all really excited about the news, although Austin is still a little young to understand it. We hope that once I start getting bigger (and bigger and bigger), we'll be able to explain it better. Regardless, we know he'll make a great big brother.

The arrival a new baby, means we'll be doing some renovations around here over the next few months. Austin will move out of the nursery and into a big boy room -- which is currently our office. That means, our office will have to move downstairs into the family room (after we re-carpet that room), and then we can paint and decorate Austin's new room. We'd like to have it done around his second birthday so that he can have time to adjust and move into it slowly. If we're lucky, he'll even move into a big boy bed at that time, but if he's not ready, we won't force him. We have the playpen/bassinette which the new baby can use until Austin's ready to give up the crib (or until he learns to climb out!)

Anyway, that's all the news that new around here. It's been awhile since I last posted, so here are a few photos from Thanksgiving weekend. We were at Grandpa's house on Saturday and Nana's house on Sunday.

Austin figured out that the dog door at Nana's house isn't just for dogs! All of a sudden he could go out back to play whenever he wanted!

On Saturday (Oct. 6), it was hot enough to go to the beach. We didn't have bathing suits (because who packs bathing suits in October!) but we all (Austin especially) had fun swimming at Port Stanley.

On Sunday, it was even hotter, but we did a more Thanksgiving-appropriate picking!


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