Our big boy in his big boy bed

>> Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Well it's official, Austin now sleeps in his new 'blue' room every night in his big boy bed. The transition ended up being as easy as it was that first night he crawled into his new bed. The blue room became his room, just like that.

The first few nights, he didn't realize he could get out of bed -- so when he woke up in the morning, he'd sit in bed and call to us. But now, he knows he can get out of bed and every morning, he climbs out of bed and knocks on the door while calling 'mommy' or 'daddy' until one of us opens the door for him. Of course, then there's the days when he doesn't want to nap and just gets out of bed and hangs out by the door until someone lets him out! I guess that's the downside to being in a big boy bed.

Now that Austin's all moved into his room, his old room has been turned back into a baby room. The 0-3 size clothes are in the drawers, the newborn diapers on the shelf and the spit-up blankets in the closet. All that's missing is a baby -- which seems to be stubbornly hanging in there until at least my due date and knowing my luck, probably longer.

This will likely be my last until we're a family of four. Then there'll be new baby pictures to share and a this blog will need a new name to include the entire family.


Anonymous April 13, 2008 2:15 pm  

Good for you, big boy!

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