Alexandra's big birthday party bash

>> Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alex's first birthday party was this past Sunday morning at Mega Fun 4 Kids -- an indoor playground in Scarborough.

Because our friends' daughter, Isla, turned one eight days after Alex did, we decided to get all of our friends and families together for one big party -- hence we rented the space for the party.
In total, we were about 35 people (10 of those were kids) and we had a blast. We had the space for two hours (and at this playground, you get the whole place for your party, not just a single party room) and all the kids, regardless of their age, had a great time running around and playing with everything. I was surprised, however, that they did all stop to eat (and not just cake).

Alex was a little timid, and although she wanted to play, she wanted to be sure someone she knew was around her at all times. That's ok though, there were a lot of people who wanted to hang out with her anyway!
Her favourite part was, of course, the cake!

Here are a few pictures. There are more on the slideshow.


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