Pictures from the last few weeks

>> Friday, June 26, 2009

My last post didn't include any pictures because I hadn't had a chance to download the camera and sort through the photos. So, here's a quick look at some of the things we've been up to lately:

Ryan took the kids to a nearby fun fair on June 6 (while I was in Ottawa) and Austin had his face painted. Even the bandana is painted on!

Alex checking out the ponies at the fun fair.

Austin hanging out with Dora.

Austin started soccer at the beginning of the month. He's really into it this year and is doing really well.
He shoots....
One morning, I stripped the kids down to their underwear (or diaper), rolled paper across the kitchen floor and let them go wild with finger paint. Alex spent more time painting herself than the paper. Needless to say, when the painting was done, they both went straight from the kitchen to the bath!
Because it's been super-hot this week, I set up our splash pad (it hooks up to the garden hose) in the front yard. This is Alex sititng in the puddle of water. Do you think she likes it?
One last thing I forgot to mention in my last post: now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, I've also decided to go into business for myself. I am now officially a part-time freelance writer and I already have two clients (both who need me to write the copy for corporate websites)! I'm pretty excited about this new venture and am hopeful that I'll get some business. I don't need a lot of business, because afterall, my days are pretty busy with the kids, but I'm looking forward to getting back into writing again.


Neil October 27, 2009 4:07 pm  

great photo of alex

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