Happy 2nd birthday Alex!

>> Monday, April 12, 2010

So, this past Saturday, our baby girl turned 2! I guess that makes her not such a baby anymore.

The day was fairly low-key -- just a trip to the park with daddy while mommy ran last-minute party errands. Like her first birthday, Alex's party was at Mega Fun 4 Kids and was a joint party with Isla Emerson, who turns 2 just 8 days after her. Since at age 2, both girls consider their friends to be the kids of our friends -- and since we have many of the same friends -- we decided it would be easiest for everyone (including us) to do a double party.

In all, there were 12 kids and a lot of parents and everyone had a great time. Both Austin and Alex (and many of the other kids) loved playing in the ball pit. There was pizza for dinner and two cakes for dessert (one for each kid, of course).

For Alex, I made an Elmo cake -- her favourite character next to Mickey. She loved it (which makes the hours of work it took to make it worthwhile)!
At 7:30, the party wrapped up and we all headed home. But before bed, Alex had fun opening all her presents. Thanks everyone!


Anonymous April 21, 2010 12:37 pm  

awesome elmo cake! we're trying to pick a cake for carsy's bday - neil

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