Time to buy a big girl bed

>> Thursday, July 15, 2010

Most toddlers, at some point, learn to climb out of their crib -- either by delicately climbing over the rails, or by flinging themselves out onto the floor (as Austin did).

Either way, this is usually the point when the parents look at each other and silently say to the other that it's time to go bed shopping.

Well in Alex's case, it's now time to go bed shopping. Except, she has not yet climbed over the rail or flung herself onto the floor. Instead, she has figured out how to climb INTO her crib. She has yet to figure out how to climb out when she's ready to get up. She just climbs on in when she's tired and ready for bed or just wants a little quiet time away from everyone.

Seriously, how many kids learn to climb into their crib because they actually want to be in bed!

So, we're off to go bed shopping, if only so our little monkey doesn't have to do gymnastics every time she wants to go to bed.

Edited: Well, not one hour after I wrote this, guess who flew out of her bed in a fit of rage? Yup. Temper tantrums are definitely a motivation to get yourself out of somewhere you don't want to be. (Mental note for mommy, no more putting her in her bed when she's screaming uncontrollably for no reason in particular.) All I know, is one minute she was screaming at me from her bed and the next minute there was a thud. I ran to her room and found her just getting up off the floor while rubbing her head. Bed buying is definitely in the cards this weekend.


Alison July 16, 2010 1:19 am  

Aw, poor sweetie falling out - but how cute that she puts herself in there! I can only dream of that!

Carole July 19, 2010 3:51 pm  

As usual, Alex does things in her own unique way!

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