More camping photos

>> Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I just thought I'd share a few more camping photos and one last story that I forgot to mention in my previous camping post.

All 16 of us, tired, dirty and packed up to go home

The kids playing with empty boxes as the rest of us packed.

Kid shot!

Family shot!

On our second night there, as we sat around the campfire after the kids had gone to sleep, a pack of raccoons started circling our sites. I'm serious when I say both of those -- a pack (there was about 4 or 5 of them) and circling (they kept coming closer and closer, then darting across to the other side and then inching closer again). All of this was happening while we were sitting on our site.

Then, suddenly, they burst into our kitchen area and while one or two of them rummaged around, three of them started drinking the leftover cooking oil that was in a pot on the ground. Literally, they had their face and front paws in the pot of oil!

The next night, as we were again sitting around the campfire, only one raccoon returned. He jumped up on the table, quickly found the bag of unopened pitas that we had forgotten to put away, grabbed it and took off. All of this while we were watching from 15 feet away.


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