I saw mommy...sitting with Santa Claus

>> Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two weeks ago, we went to Ryan's company Kids Christmas Party. And of course the big highlight is seeing Santa.

We've been going every year, and Austin has only ever had an issue with sitting on Santa's knee once -- when he was 18 months old. Ever since then, he's super excited to sit with Santa and chat.

Alex on the other hand is not.

Last year she wouldn't go anywhere near him. This year, she was very excited to see Santa. She kept talking about seeing him and even when we were standing in line, she was excited. Until it was her turn.

And so, this is how our Santa picture turned out this year:
It was Santa's idea to have mom sit down too. Alex may not have wanted to sit with Santa, but I was pretty excited to!


Carole December 26, 2010 4:19 pm  

This is really cute! And Santa looks kind of cute too!

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