March break madness

>> Saturday, March 19, 2011

We had a very busy March Break - making full use of all our time together.

On the Friday (March 11), Auntie Krista came to visit for the night. And then on Sunday, March 13, we took the kids to a Raptors game. We actually had two pairs of tickets - one section over from each other. So, at first, I sat with Alex and Ryan sat with Austin. But as the first quarter drew to a close, there were plenty of seats for us to move to to sit together. The game was fun, and the kids had a blast, even though the Raptors lost. Alex actually stayed interested for pretty much the whole game and Austin, as with everything, was completely captivated.
On Monday, I took the kids to the maple syrup festival at the Kortright Centre.We met grandma there and wandered through the forest, learned how maple syrup is made and then headed back inside for a pancake lunch. Then it was back outside for a wagon ride.

On Tuesday, the kids and I hit the zoo. Before Austin started school, we used to go once or twice a month (at least). Now, we haven't been since September. It was a beautiful, sunny day but because it was still a little cool, the place wasn't too crowded so we were able to see a lot of animals.

On Wednesday, Grandpa and Kirsten came to visit -- hanging out with the kids all day.

Thursday was errand day -- not all that interesting but I did get a lot accomplished. When dragging two kids around, some days that's saying a lot. And being St. Patrick's Day, we did manage to squeeze in some green beer and green apple juice at dinnertime.
On Friday, we headed downtown to visit daddy at work and to go for lunch with him. It was a beautiful day for hanging out on the Danforth.

On Saturday, we took the kids to Hamilton for Disney on Ice (thanks Auntie Ali, Uncle Billy and Teddy for the kids' birthday presents!). It was a blast -- a really good show and both kids were completely captivated the entire time (after all they do love Mickey and friends). In fact, they loved it so much that Alex was pretty upset when the whole thing was over -- she wanted to see Mickey again!

Tomorrow it's off to Guelph to visit Auntie Jamie and Scott for University of Guelph's College Royale (we've been every year for the last few years, it's sort of like an open house). Since I'm blogging tonight, I'll have to post pictures of that next time.


Alison March 27, 2011 12:53 am  

Apparently I am very behind! Great update - love the photos of the kids as pack mules in particular, hee. And Alex's smile at the Disney on Ice is amazing. :)

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