Just an update on what we've been up to

>> Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yet again, another month has gone by since the last time I wrote. I guess it's been busy around here. Let's see if I can recap what's been going on.

January started out slow -- with the first week of January being part of the school Christmas holidays. The kids and I made the most of our week together -- going to the zoo one day, hitting an indoor playground another day and meeting up with friends on another day. Then it was back to the real world.

Alex is once again in preschool four mornings a week. She's really enjoying it and has made several friends. Next week, I'll be registering her for JK. It's hard to believe she'll be starting Kindergarten this fall. And the school she'll be going to is switching to an all-day Kindergarten school, so unlike Austin who has been in half-day Kindergarten for the last two years, she'll be starting full-day school in September -- at the same time that Austin starts full-day school in Grade 1 (and yes, that means that mommy will suddenly have full days to herself).

In mid-January, Alex went for a speech assessment. Those of you who see her on a regular basis know that she can sometimes be difficult to understand -- at least until you learn to speak Alex! We had had her speech assessed last June, and at the time, she was only slightly delayed so we opted against therapy.

Now that she's almost 4, she's still lagging behind her age bracket and will be starting speech therapy at the end of February.

On another note, she's still taking gymnastics once a week (and will be until the end of June) and we go to swimming lessons once a week. She's enjoying both.

In mid-January, Auntie Suzie was able to get her hands on two tickets to Monster Jam (thanks Auntie Suzie! And although I don't have any good pictures to share, I also have to thank Auntie Suzie for getting us four extremely last-minute tickets to the Disney Princesses show the week before.). Ryan and Austin went together...and he had a BLAST!

Like Alex, Austin is also taking gymnastics once a week and swimming lessons once a week. And, he's still taking skating lessons once a week. He loves it but seems to only have one speed -- go fast! Ryan and I are just waiting for the day when he tells us he wants to play hockey.

And he's still doing very well at the French Immersion school, and seems to still be enjoying it.

Mom and dad
Nothing really to report on us. Although, in March, we are escaping for a weekend to Montreal without the kids (the kids are taking a vacation at Auntie Krista's). We're looking forward to a weekend away -- and to the Habs vs. Leafs hockey game! (Go Habs!)

That's about it for now, here's a short slideshow to finish up.


Carole February 12, 2012 11:20 pm  

Thanks for the update, Deb. Lovely photos!

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