Rolling over and other news

>> Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's official -- Alex is on the move.

Last week she rolled over from her front to her back for the first time and then she promptly refused to do it again. In fact, she screamed every time I put her on her tummy. But yesterday and today, she appeared to be enjoying tummy time, lifting her head up high and looking around at the world.

And then she rolled over and smiled and me. So I guess we've reached that milestone where I can no longer put her down anywhere -- unless it's on the floor -- for fear that she'll decide to roll right off.

In other news, Austin is spending more time at home with me and Alex now that he only goes to the sitter's house two days a week. So far it has been going well and we're having fun together. We've spent hours at the park and at the wading pool in hopes that keeping him extra busy in the mornings and early afternoons will tire him out enough to take a nap. So far, it's working -- but we'll see how it goes.

We also spent a day at the zoo last week, which Austin loved. Almost a week later, he's still talking about the elephants, lions, giraffes, monkeys and rhinos we saw. In fact he loved it so much that he walks around the house pretending to be an elephant. I forgot to bring the camera that day, but they'll be plenty of time for zoo pictures because I bought us a one-year membership, so we'll be visiting the animals a lot.


Anonymous July 11, 2008 12:52 pm  

Go Alex!!

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