Nana's wedding

>> Monday, August 04, 2008

This past weekend was Ryan's mom's wedding (actually Handfasting, which is the term used for Pagan weddings). It was really beautiful and a really good time, although a little stressful being there with two kids. Thankfully, we had a lot of helpers in the form of family members and both kids almost managed to out-party us.

Austin danced the night away -- apparently learning the moves to YMCA, the chicken dance and Time Warp -- until he finally crashed at about 11:30 p.m. Alex, was passed around from family member to family member and was in and out of sleep all evening until about midnight when she finally crashed in someone's arms.

Austin, Ryan and I were all part of the wedding party. So, Austin, like all of the men, wore a kilt. It was adorable -- who knew you could rent kilts for two year olds! Here are some pictures from the wedding:

Austin in his kilt (before the wedding when everything was still tucked in and pulled up)

Austin posing with the statue after the ceremony

Daddy dancing with Alex

Mommy dancing with Alex

Tearing up the dance floor way past bedtime


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