Summer fun photos and update

>> Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The summer is just flying by and I haven't had a chance to share any photos in awhile. So, here's some random shots of the kids:

Austin is now home with me three days a week and we've been spending our days at the park, at the wading pool and in the sandbox out back. Anything to keep busy and enjoy the nice weather. Once fall and winter hits we'll have to find indoor activities so I figure we might as well be outside and be active while we can.

His language and understanding skills are also improving very quickly and I'm amazed at how well he can speak. He is often telling me stories in five or six word sentences now and will recall events or activities from days ago. And although all of his words aren't always clear, even non-family members are able to understand most of what he says now. Although sometimes, I'll admit, even I have days where understanding him is like playing charades but where one person doesn't know we're playing!

Alex is really interactive now -- smiling at us all the time. As you can see from the pictures, she's enjoying playing in the jolly jumper now, as well as other standing up toys. She's not a fan of lying down to play and will rarely lie on her playmat or in her crib watching her mobile. (Although I did manage to get a picture of her (above) watching the mobile -- but I think that lasted all of two minutes. She's very unlike Austin in that respect, who loved watching it and, in fact, is still fascinated by it when I turn it on.)

A day at the zoo

Because it was a beautiful sunny day on the August holiday Monday, we packed the kids up and took them to the zoo. I bought a membership last month, but chances are, I'll mostly use it alone with the kids so this was a good opportunity for Ryan to go too. It was packed, but we had a lot of fun. And Austin once again loved seeing the elephants, monkeys, tigers and giraffes. I think next time we go, I'm going to have to tell him that those animals are sleeping just so we can see another part of the zoo!


Anonymous August 09, 2008 9:21 pm  

Hi Deb

I just looked through what you have posted, which is all very interesting. Your mom wanted to look at the wedding photos, but actually my favourite is Austin playing the piano.

Uncle John

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