Austin's taking swimming lessons

>> Monday, October 13, 2008

I signed Austin up for swimming lessons this fall and so far they're going really well. It's a city-run program designed for toddlers. They're private lessons and each lesson is only 15-minutes long -- which is great, because that's about his attention span some days!

At the first class, I walked him out onto the pool deck and the instructor asked me if he'd ever been swimming before. I said yes, but only with mom or dad. She said, ok, and asked Austin if he wanted to jump in. He immediately said 'yes' and jumped in to her waiting arms without ever looking back at me. He then spent the lesson learning to float and to kick his feet while holding on to a flutter board.

The second lesson was much of the same, except this time, he was really excited to be going and talked about swimming in the pool non-stop during the car ride over.

If the classes continue to go well, I think I'll sign him up for a double-lesson class (30 minutes long) in the winter.


Anonymous November 01, 2008 2:24 am  

Sounds like he's ready for bayview!


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