More milestones...sitting up and eating cereal

>> Wednesday, October 08, 2008

These pictures say it all:
In the last three weeks, Alex has mastered the art of sitting up to play. It started with her proping herself up on her arms and looking around. And within days she was sitting on her own and grabbing at toys. She does still fall over from time to time -- usually when she's trying to grab something out of her reach -- so I still tend to sit behind her or pack pillows around her.

She loves playing in this new position -- especially since she hates lying on her back or stomach to play. Because of this, she's been spending a lot of time in her excersaucer and jolly jumper -- anything that allows her to be in an upright position to play. But now that she can sit, it's a whole new world for her.

The other milestone Alex reached last week was she started eating cereal. So far, it's just been a small amount at lunch time, but she loves it. She took just one bite and she immediately opened her mouth wide like a baby bird asking for more. She was definitely ready for it too, because in the last few weeks she had been grabbing at any food I may have near me while I was holding her.


Anonymous October 10, 2008 1:58 pm  

These pictures are so cute and amazing. She is absolutely adorable.

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