
>> Sunday, November 30, 2008

So, Austin has now made his first trip to emergency.

Yesterday morning, I took the kids over to McDonald's playplace so that Austin could burn off a little energy. He had a great time running around on the climbing structure and playing with the other kids.

Then, about 10 minutes before we were to leave, he took a tumble (that I couldn't really see) and started screaming. I ran up the stairs to find him bleeding (a lot) from the mouth. Once I got him cleaned up and calmed down, I was able to get a good look in his mouth -- and discovered that he had tried to put his tooth through his tongue and now a pretty deep hole in it.

We headed home and Ryan and I quickly decided that it needed to be looked at by a doctor. So, Austin and I went off to the hospital (because I called the Children's after-hours clinic first, but the receptionist said that if he needed stitches, that their doctors don't do that).

After almost three hours of waiting quite patiently (for a two-year-old) we were seen by a doctor and given the all clear to go home. I've now learned that unless the tongue is actually hanging off, they don't stitch it. But, I was warned that it'll likely still be painful for a few days as it heals.

So, to help take the pain away, his diet and largely consisted of ice cream, freezies and popsicles. Although I have managed to get a peanut butter and jam sandwich and a slice of pizza in him as well -- although he complained that it hurt with almost every bite.

Poor kid.


Suzanne Gardner November 30, 2008 9:59 pm  

My poor little boy! Glad to hear that he's alright and didn't need any stitches, but still. :(

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