Alexandra on the move

>> Thursday, December 18, 2008

As promised, here's a video of Alex in action. In the last day or so, she's actually gotten quite good at this crawling thing. After watching Austin do the army crawl (on his toes and elbows), followed by the monkey crawl (pulling himself around on his butt), it's weird to see a baby crawling 'normally'.

As you can see in this video, she's also learned how to get herself back into a sitting postion from her tummy. This is great when she's playing on the floor, but the novelty of this new skill means when she's lying in her bed, she's rolling over and sitting up rather than sleeping.

So, last night, she called out at 1 a.m. and when I went in, she was just sitting there. I laid her back down and she went right back to sleep. It's almost as if she gets up and then forgets how to get back down (probably because she's not very awake) so she calls out for help. It's a faze that'll pass, I'm sure. We went through the same thing when she first learned how to roll onto her tummy. If she did so in her sleep and woke up on her tummy, she'd forget how to roll back over and call us to come help her.

Stay tuned for more videos in the coming weeks and months -- now that I have a camera with video again.


Anonymous December 19, 2008 4:44 pm  

She's so adorable.

Anonymous December 19, 2008 8:21 pm  

Yay Alexandra!

Anonymous December 21, 2008 12:37 am  

Hooray! She looks so adorably pleased with herself. :)

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