Mr. 'How come?'

>> Monday, May 25, 2009

Austin has officially entered a new phase -- the 'how come?' phase.

How come is his version of why. I don't know why he says how come instead of why, but he does. And he says it for EVERYTHING.

A typical conversation with Austin these days, goes something like this:

Me: Austin, put on your shoes please it's time to go.

Austin: How come?

Me: Because we're going to the Early Years Centre now. (Me knowing full well that I told him this three times already.)

Austin: How come?

Me: Because we're going to go play with the kids there.

Austin: How come?

Me: Because you like playing with the kids and it's fun.

Austin: How come?

Me: (Frustrated at this point) Just put on your shoes and let's go!

Austin: How come?

Not all conversations are as circular as that. In many cases he's asking very intelligent 'how come' questions. The other day, he asked me how come there was thunder when it was raining and how come the fire truck was driving fast with its sirens on. The problem with these intelligent questions, is sometimes I can answer them, and other times I realize I have no idea! Seriously, I can't remember what makes thunder and someone please tell me the simplest way to explain to him why airplanes don't fall out of the sky. They're classic, 'why is the sky blue? questions'.

My typical answer to the I don't know questions, are "Let's go look it up".


Anonymous June 17, 2009 1:05 pm  

Now he knows all the questions and thinks you know everything. When he's a teenager he will know all the answers and think you don't know anything. Different stages.

As for airplanes not falling out of the sky, tell him it's because they have engines to keep them flying.

Uncle John

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