An impromtu trip to African Lion Safari

>> Monday, July 27, 2009

I've been so busy lately now that my freelance writing business is picking up that I have spent almost every nap time and every evening for the last three weeks doing work -- hence I've been slacking on updates. But at this very moment, I don't have any work on the go (although there's some more coming in the next few days) so, hopefully, they'll be a slew of new posts here as I catch up.

Two weeks ago, we were all up early on a Sunday morning when we realized we didn't have any plans that day and there was nothing we needed to get done. So, because we'd be talking about it for about a year but had never found the time to do it, we packed the kids up and went to African Lion Safari for the day.

And it was pretty awesome. I'd never been there and Ryan hadn't been since he was a kid.

We saw the elephants go for their afternoon swim and then we took our car through the safari to see the animals. It's amazing just how close you can get to some of the animals.
No baboons jumped on our car -- but this was definitely Austin's favourite part.

That and this ostritch, who, right after this photo was snapped, walked over to our car and bent down to look in the window at me and Austin.
Austin sat on my lap in the front seat for most of the time so he could see. We kept Alex in her seat because we knew if we let her out, she'd spend all her time pushing buttons up front instead of looking at the animals. She seemed to have fun and liked the animals she could see but after awhile she got bored and was happier to just sit and snack. As it took an hour and a half to drive through the safari, Austin too got a little tired of it after awhile and kept asking to go to the waterpark.

So, after seeing all the animals, we took the kids to the splash pad -- even though it wasn't that warm out -- and then walked around the rest of the park for awhile.

It was definitely a fun day, but we definitely had two tired kids by the time we headed home!


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