An update on life in general

>> Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We've been busy this last month, even though the weather hasn't been great and our swimming lessons were cancelled thanks to the Toronto city strike. But the kids and I have been keeping busy at the park, the splash pad (when it's not too cold) and visiting with friends.

Here's a quick update on everyone:


At Alex's 15-month appointment two weeks ago, she weighed in at 22.1 lbs and 32.5 inches. That means she gained just 2 pounds but she grew almost four inches! (I know they can be off a little bit when they're measuring toddlers, but regardless, she grew a lot in the last three months.) So, this puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and the 95th percentile for height. Yes, she's tall and skinny -- which is why dressing her is so difficult. Clothes that are long enough for her are often too wide -- and clothes that fit well are too short.

Having grown so much in the last three months, it's no wonder that this kid never seems to stop eating. There are many days when she polishes off her breakfast, plays for about 30 minutes and then walks into the kitchen, opens the pantry door and demands a snack -- sometimes even pulling a box of crackers out herself and handing it to me!

She now has five words in her vocabulary. I know I said this a few months ago, but she's pretty much forgot the words she had before and is starting over. These words are 'hi', 'bye', 'mama', 'oh oh' and 'baaa' (as in the sound a sheep makes -- I was teaching her the sounds the other day and this is the only one that stuck).

She also knows many parts of her body and can point out her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, feet and belly button when prompted.

She has a fair bit of hair now (finally) and it's growing in quite evely, but it'll be at least six months, if not more, before she's going to be able to wear even a clip.


There's not as much new going on with Austin right now. His soccer season is almost done and he's been having a lot of fun. He's definitely getting a lot more out of it this year than last year and almost daily he asks me if it's Monday yet (because he knows he plays soccer on Mondays).

He loves trucks, construction vehicles and buses. And about a month ago, as we were coming out of the grocery store, there was a fire truck in the parking lot (even firemen need groceries!). So, we went over to say hi and Austin got to sit in the driver's seat. He was THRILLED! And thanks to my new cellphone, I was able to snap a couple of pictures.

And today, I had to meet my banker in town to sign some papers, so I brought the kids. And, as a way to make it a fun adventure, we took the bus and the subway. I've taken the subway with the kids on a couple of occassions, but I've always driven to the subway station. Today, we took the bus to the subway -- making it their first time on a bus. Now, taking the city bus may be kind of mundane to all of us -- but to a three-year-old, it was the best thing in the world! At first, he couldn't stop saying 'weeee' every time the bus started. Even Alex was laughing. So, it was definitely a fun adventure. (Again, the picture is courtesy of my cellphone -- I love having a camera on my phone!)

Mom and dad

I don't think Ryan has much news, but I've been working a lot now that my freelance business is picking up. I've done work for a few clients already and I have a few more jobs coming up in the next few weeks. I do most of my work in the evenings and sometimes at nap time (if they'll both sleep, which isn't always the case with Austin).

It's exciting and I'm really enjoying the fact that I've gotten into this. It gives me the best of both worlds -- I can be with the kids all day, but can still use my brain and my skills in the adult world, without ever having to leave the computer in my basement.
A piece of really good news: my sister is still pregnant -- 32 weeks and counting. And, she was sent home from the hospital after 5 weeks and is now on bedrest in the comfort of her own home. So, things are looking up!


Alison July 30, 2009 11:48 am  

That video is the cutest thing EVER. And yay for bus and subway rides - that must have been great!

When I was last there Alex seemed to have a word for 'cat' as well - a very assured 'AT' when she was looking at a picture of one. So I'm counting that as another word!

Give those kids a kiss for me, as always!

Suzanne Gardner July 30, 2009 9:14 pm  

Agreed on the absolute adorableness of the video! And I love that they went on buses and subways! Alex looks so totally cool sitting there on the subway -- just like she takes it every day to and from work or something! :)

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