A busy Thanksgiving weekend

>> Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There wasn't much time to rest this long weekend, but it was a fun one.

On Saturday morning, we started with getting some errands and chores done and then, in the afternoon, we all went to a kids' birthday party. It was a fun time, and a good excuse to hang out with friends and eat Dora birthday cake! (Ok, so the cake was more for the kids, the beer and wine was more to keep the adults happy.)

Alex after the birthday party on Saturday evening
That night, we started cooking. And the next morning, we cooked some more. Because this year, for the very first time, Ryan and I had Thanksgiving dinner at our house. So yes, it was the very first time we ever cooked a turkey. And yum....did it ever turn out good. As did the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, veggies, homemade (breadmaker) bread and stuffing. Oh yeah, and the pumpkin pie.

It was fun to cook a full turkey dinner -- a lot of work, but fun. And it was fun having everyone over (My parents, my sister, Suzie, and her boyfriend). And the advantage to having the dinner at our house, is that we have the leftovers too. So turkey sandwiches are a plenty. And turkey soup from the leftover carcass will be on the menu soon.

On Monday morning, we opted to do something spontaneous. And, at 10:30 a.m. we drove downtown and took the kids to the CN Tower.

Austin has been fascinated by the tower for months, always asking if every tower he sees is the CN Tower and getting super excited when he does see the real thing -- whether up close or from a distance. So, telling him we were going up to the top was a big deal.

We chose the perfect time to go. Austin loved everything he saw up there -- especially the plane taking off from the island airport and the trains going to and from Union Station -- and the experience held Alex's interest for awhile at least. And, because they were both under 4, they were free! So we got to go on a great family outing, for only the price of two adult tickets.

Both of their favourite parts was the glass floor -- which mommy is still terrified of many years after first attempting to venture out on it. Although, this time I did stand on it, and even sit on it, because when your 18-month-old daughter grabs your hand and walks you out onto it, you don't have much choice! The things we do for our kids, eh?

The unbelievably cold weather for Thanksgiving that morning had us all scrambling for warm outerwear to wear. I mean, I haven't even bought the kids winter hats and coats yet. So for Austin, I found a hand-me-down jacket in the closet which is still about 2 sizes too big and Alex wore an old Austin jacket that also seemed 2 sizes too big on her even though the label said 18 to 24 months. I guess it's time to do the winter clothes shopping already!
By Monday afternoon and evening, we were all pretty tired. It was early to bed for the kids so we could both get some work done before calling it a night as well.


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