January update

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

It's been a fairly quiet month around here -- a lot of that owing to the fact that mommy sprained her ankle on Jan. 9 and spent almost 2 weeks on crutches. It definitely wasn't my finest hour -- slipping on a patch of ice, rolling over on my bad ankle and landing flat on my butt. Luckily, it wasn't broken, but being unable to walk still wasn't any fun.

So, the kids and I moved into my parents house in Brampton for 4 days so that they could look after the kids and I could stay off my feet. And even when we moved back, my mom still came by a couple of times to help me out.

Now I'm crutch-free, but still have to be careful when walking around -- and I can't be on my feet for long periods of time. Sigh.

The kids are both registered in a bunch of programming this winter. Austin is back in preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings; on Monday mornings all three of us go to a jump and play program (which is basically a whole lot of outdoor toys piled into a gym so the kids can run around for an hour -- a perfect indoor activity during the winter); and both kids are once again taking swimming lessons -- this time on Saturday mornings (Alex is still doing the parent-tot program).

On Jan. 24, we took the kids to see Playhouse Disney Live at the Rogers Centre and they both had a blast. Austin was totally into the show and Alex, although a little unsure at first, wouldn't sit down for the entire second half because she was too busy dancing! And when it was over, she was completely devastated because Mickey Mouse had left. She just couldn't understand why he would leave her!

The big news with the kids, is that Alex has started potty training herself! Seriously, I had no idea that kids did that! She first used the potty months ago, and ever since then would sporadically ask to sit on it -- although it was really just a fun game to her and she'd rarely do anything when she was there. Then, about three weeks ago, she suddenly started asking to go to the potty -- and she'd go! And then two weeks ago, she started asking to go all the time (figures, because I was on crutches and had a hard time taking her).

Now she uses it several times daily and I think she might actually be ready for big girl underwear! Or, at the very least, pullups, because although I'm getting very good at putting a diaper back on her while she's standing up, it's a pain. I hadn't expected this, and I certainly wasn't planning for it -- I was thinking of maybe training her this summer -- but it would be incredible if she could be out of diapers by the time she's 2!


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