Finally, some snow!

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

After almost two months of virtually no snow -- we finally got some snow this week. Twice actually, with about 5 to 10 centimetres on Tuesday and another 10 to 15 last night. And I think we're going to be getting a little more on the weekend.

It's not a ton of snow, but it's enough for the kids to go out and play in. That's been the problem these last two months -- it's been cold and snow-free. And as a stay-at-home mom, that can drive you insane. For commuters (like Ryan) it's been a great winter, but for me, I can't just toss the kids outside to play because without snow, there's nothing but frozen ground to stamp around on. And that loses its appeal quickly.

So we've spent the last two months doing a lot of indoor play -- at home, at playgroups, at indoor playgrounds. Getting outside has meant walking across the street to the grocery store or the library.

But when it snowed earlier this week, Austin was practically begging to go play from the moment he got out of bed. And so we did (well not as soon as he got out of bed). We tramped around in the snow, and the kids took turns on the sled.

Maybe this weekend, we'll even get to build a snowman.


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