June news and updates

>> Monday, June 28, 2010

June has been a fun, but busy month for us. So busy that rather than posting after each event like I usually do, I'm just putting together one big post on the last month.

Austin's preschool graduation

Austin is now offiically done preschool -- having had his final graduation on June 3. The kids all walked in wearing paper graduation hats, sang a few songs for us parents and then got a certificate from their teacher. It was cute. As part of the concert part, Austin even led the class in a round of 'Wheels on the Bus'.
Now, it's a summer at home and then off to JK on Sept. 7!

A day at Canada's Wonderland

On June 5, Ryan's sister Jamie and her boyfriend came down from London and we all went to Canada's Wonderland for the day.

Like last year, the kids both had a blast and because they're both taller, they could go on more rides. So Austin was now tall enough to go on (with an adult) one adult roller coaster (Thunder Run) and the Ghoster Coaster in the kids area. He loved both of them. In fact, he loved the Ghoster Coaster so much that when him and I got off and went back to find Ryan he wanted to go again with daddy.

Alex too was now tall enough to go on all the kids area rides except the roller coasters. That meant that not only could she go on the rides that needed adult accompaniment (which for both of them actually, were most kids rides) but she was also tall enough to go on three rides by herself or with just Austin. She was very proud of herself when she went on her first ride all by herself.We got to Wonderland at about 10:30 and didn't really know how long we'd last with the kids. We figured that it would depend on whether or not we could convince Alex to take a nap in the stroller. Well, she wouldn't nap. Wonderland was just too much fun for her to waste any time lying down and sleeping!
But somehow, the kids kept going and didn't once get whinny. So, after riding ride after ride all afternoon, and eating giant ice cream sandwiches for dinner, we packed up to go home at 7:30 p.m. -- 9 hours later! Needless to say, they both passed out in the car on the way home. They were so asleep that when we carried them both in, they didn't wake up and spent the night sleeping in the clothes.
It was definitely a fun day.

Father's Day at the Jays game

On Father's Day, we all went to the Blue Jays game. It was a huge adventure for the kids, which started with catching the subway from York Mills to Union and then walking over to the Rogers Centre. It was a beautiful sunny day and the roof was open.Austin was captivated right from the start, and even when the Jays were losing badly 7 innings and more than 3 hours into the game, he didn't want to leave. Alex on the other hand, lost interest in the game quickly. All morning, she was SO excited to go and she was very content while eating her hot dog and watching the first inning.

And when that was over, she promptly announced 'all done Blue Jays'.

So, I spent the next couple of innings wandering around with her and checking out the kids play area. We made our way back to our seats at the end of the fourth and then managed to bribe her with popcorn to stay put for a few more innings. Or at least until we convinced Austin it was time to go.It was a tiring afternoon, but a fun one. It's just too bad the wrong team won.
In other news

In other news, Ryan has been transferred from Mississauga to a job site in Toronto. And, not only is it in the city, but it's only a 15 minute drive from our house (without traffic -- and when does that ever happen in Toronto? But even with traffic, it's not a bad commute).

I've been working a lot lately, having picked up quite a few freelance jobs. So it definitely keeps me busy (hence the lack of blog updates lately -- when I'm busy with work, I'm too busy writing to have time to write blog updates.)

The kids are both playing soccer and Ryan and I are both playing softball --which means there are activities on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings this summer.

That's all the news from us for now. There are more pictures in the slideshow on the right.


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