Monthly update

>> Friday, February 11, 2011

Ok, maybe it's not quite a monthly update, as it's been awhile since I last posted. But here's the lowdown on what we've been up to lately.

Alex's big news is that she started preschool in January. Two days a week, for two hours a day. It's the same preschool that Austin went to last year and for months, she has been super excited to go. Unfortunately, it hasn't gone all that smoothly. The first day was fine, and she seemed to have a great time; but after that, for the next three or four weeks, she cried and cried. Some days she'd start crying when we got there, other days she'd start crying and telling me she didn't to go as soon as she woke up. Once she even cried so much that the teacher had to call me. It's getting better now -- she has good days and bad days. The thing is, is that she always has a fantastic time when she's there (and is always telling me how much she likes preschool on the non-preschool days), it's just the separation anxiety that makes it difficult for her.

She does have a little boyfriend there though, which is cute. His name is Ryan and apparently everytime she starts crying during class, he drops everything and runs over to comfort her.

Other than preschool for Alex, nothing much is new. On the non-preschool days, her and I continue to hang out while Austin is at school -- we go to playgroup once a week and sometimes we get together with some of the moms I've met at Austin's schools. It turns out, a lot of women in the neighbourhood have 4/5 year old kids and 2/3 year old ones still at home.

Austin is doing very well at school and is still very much enjoying going. He loves it so much, that on the snow day last week, he was actually upset (at first) that there was no school. In school, he's starting to learn to read -- bringing home 'homework' reader books every day -- and I'm amazed at well he's doing and how quickly he's picking it up.

He's also taking swimming lessons again this winter and for the first time, really has confidence in the water. So he's really having fun. It also probably helps that one of his friends from school is in his swim class with him.

And on a side note, I honestly cannot believe that in less than 2 weeks he's going to FIVE YEARS OLD! (We've planned a bowling party for his birthday, by the way. Us, him, Alex and 8 friends. I think we're crazy, but it'll be fun. Five is a big number afterall, he's going to be a whole hand old!)

Mom and dad
You'd think that now that I have two mornings a week with both kids in school that I'd be enjoying a little time to myself. But in fact, I have been working like crazy these last few weeks and have been grateful for every spare minute I get. So when both kids are in school, I come home for a little peace and quiet work time (along with all the work I've been doing on evenings and weekends too). I've even managed to pull off dropping both kids at school, driving all the way downtown for a meeting with a client, and booting it back uptown in time for school pick up. Even though it's tight, it's nice to have a little bit of time in my week to do things like that.

Ryan has also been working a lot (as always). He's still working at Bridgepoint Health and he's also taking a green building certification course.

We've had a few low key weekends these past few weeks (which is nice). Twice this winter, we've taken the kids skating at a nearby rink -- both of their first time on skates. Alex has bob skates, so she doesn't have much trouble, but Austin has real skates. After two times on the ice, he's getting the hang of it and is having fun.

Here's a couple of videos (because it's been a long time since I've shared any videos):

Next weekend, we're off on a four-day trip to Ottawa (for Winterlude) and Brockville (to visit auntie Krista). We're all looking forward to it. Although I guess I really should get around to booking a hotel.


Nancy Downard February 11, 2011 5:38 pm  

I was actually able to decipher that Alex was singing "O Canada" - nice job Alex.


Krista February 11, 2011 6:52 pm  

And Auntie Krista is really looking forward to it. Are you guys planning on bringing your skates?

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