Happy Halloween!

>> Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween from Tigger, a pirate captain and Fred and Wilma Flintstone!

The kids had a great time trick or treating! Austin made out with a pretty good haul and had no desire to come home after an hour and a half of trick or treating. Alex was tired of going door-to-door after about only 8 houses, but she didn't want to go home until Austin and mommy did. So she I pushed her in the stroller while Austin continued trick or treating with our neighbours.

Unlike earlier in the week, where the evening weather allowed for just a light sweater to be worn, tonight it was a winter-jacket time of night. Alex wasn't too sure about the idea of wearing her costume over her coat, but she got used to it. And Austin just looked like a really tough pirate with the coat underneath. Ahhh, Halloween in Canada -- all costumes must be flexible enough to be worn over a snowsuit if necessary.

On Saturday night, Ryan and I went to an annual Halloween party as Fred and Wilma from the Flintstones.


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