News and updates

>> Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I realize it's been over a month since I last posted anything, so here's a bit of catch-up as to what we've all be up to.


Austin is having a great time at school every day. He goes every morning -- from 8:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. -- and comes home every day full of stories from what they did in class that morning. (And my fridge is quickly filling up with school artwork.)

On Sept. 30, he participated in the Terry Fox Run at school. The kindergarten kids didn't do the run with the rest of the school, instead they simply ran laps around the playground. Alex and I hung around to cheer him on and he pretty much kept running for the entire 15 minutes or so that the class did the run.


Alex and I now hang out every morning while Austin is in school. It took her a little while to get used to the routine -- some days wanting to go pick him up almost as soon as we finished walking him there -- but now she's into it. Some mornings, we do shopping or errands and other morning we go to programming or the drop-in centre. One morning a week, we go to a kinger-gymnastics program which she absolutely loves!

I guess that's why I haven't written in awhile -- there's not much to write about! The routine of school keeps us busy. And even though Austin loves school, most mornings I have to pry him out of bed to get ready to go. I guess it's a little too early for him.

October is a busy month for us. The first weekend of October we went to a weekend-long wedding here in Toronto. The kids came with us to the Friday night part of the event but we left them with a sitter for the Saturday night ceremony and reception. This past weekend -- Thanksgiving Weekend -- we spent in London. And on the Sunday of the weekend, Ryan and I left the kids with Ryan's dad and drove to Niagara-on-the-Lake for another wedding.

This coming Saturday (Oct. 16), I'm brave enough to run the 10K Zoo Run again and on Sunday morning the four of us leave for Austin, Texas. My cousin is getting married on Oct. 23 (yes, three weddings in one month for us!) and we decided to take the kids and spend a week there. We're all pretty excited and the kids are particularly excited about getting to go on an airplane! So I guess there'll be more to write about when we get back.


Alison October 14, 2010 1:18 am  

Nice to hear all the updates! I need to update my blog too...

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