Our big girl finally got her big girl bed

>> Monday, October 25, 2010

Back in July, we went to look for big girl furniture for Alex’s big girl room. Unlike when Austin was old enough for a bed and all we needed was a mattress to put on top of my childhood bed frame, this time we had nothing. We shopped and found a store in Vaughan that specializes in kids furniture with some really nice stuff.

It was over two months before we were able to get back there – between an August full of vacations for us and some weird store hours for this family-run business in the month of September -- and Alex stated almost daily during this time that she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed. We were finally able to buy her a beautiful bedroom set at the end of September and on October 16 a bed frame, a mattress, a dresser, a nightstand and a dresser mirror were delivered.

We quickly set up the room for her (it was not some assembly required furniture) and made the bed with an old set up twin sheets we had in the house (the store had told us it would take 8 weeks to get the furniture but it only took 3 so we never had a chance to buy Alex her own linens). And within an hour of the bedroom being set up, she was happily napping in her big girl bed.

The transition was that easy. She was so excited to finally have her own big girl bed that she wanted to sleep in it right away. The crib remains in her room, and she did decide she wanted to sleep in the crib that night but overall, she’s very excited to be a big girl.

Of course, the day after the bed arrived, we left for Texas so she won’t get to be back in it for another week – which means we’ll likely leave the crib in her room for a little while longer, just until she’s comfortable.

Next on the list for our big girl…pretty girlie bed lines and a fresh coat of paint. It’s bye bye baby nursery, hello big girl room.


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